Transactional Aesthetics
Cinema4D, Substance Painter, Photoshop, After Effects
Flipping the Art World Upside Down: A Critical Look at Ownership, Value, and Commerce

Tanked and Tagged
Fountain Flux
Him, Hacked, Hounded
It’s all about the process and the several iterations.
I was fascinated by the fact that Freeports were a tax heaven. I kept wondering why one should spend so much money to buy a painting only to have it stored at a storage facility.
Collectors have an issue with storage but do they only collect to be able to say they own this and that? Don’t they want to be able to look at their possessions? Or do they have replicas in their homes and they don’t mind having the original safeguarded at a freeport so that they can tax evade?
But what would happen if all the big collectors decided to take their paintings away to a freeport to tax-evade and save money?
Freeport Art can create a habit where valuable artworks are stored away from public view. This can limit our understanding and appreciation of cultural heritage, as well as reduce opportunities for public engagement and educational programs.
Furthermore, artworks that are taken from their countries of origin or cultural contexts and stored in Freeports can contribute to the exploitation and erasure of cultural heritage.
The all-time owners of Salvador Mundi in a post-modern Last Supper

Iterations into making a provocative point
All of us have contemplated what it might be like to participate in an auction. Time to experience it!